I'm agreeing with you capt. paranoid. Besides notice the absence of pictures of our lord and savior.
Now, shall we try and make a descent puplit thread?
In response to your O.P and the argument from history i've just made, would you agree, or disagree that some sort of reformation of the U.S media may be the best way to establish some sort of 'referee' in the U.S political system? As i've tried to make the case for, what actually makes the press no longer fit for this purpose, is the fact they have to respond to demand, and in no people or nation anywhere has there been large scale or at least predominant demand for the objective reporting of facts. Thouse few places where you have organisations in the western world that do a half descent job, as in effect they don't have to actually 'give the people what they want' but instead 'stuff they might actually need to know' are in some format quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation or 'Quango's'. A concept I understand is not exactly easily packagable as 'american'.
Or what would be better, a non-press based NGO? Some sort of non-partisan goverment agency? What?
Or maybe even just improving PBS's funding might help? As I understand it there so close to broke half the time they can barely do this. Or maybe prehaps improvin the avaiblity of C-SPAN?