by Charai » Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:09 pm
I pretty much only use facebook to make sure the people I don't like arn't doing very well in life. It's kind of nice if you are having a bad day and that douchebag from 6th grade posts about how his transmission blew out or something.
Back in the day though, facebook was awesome. You would have insane party pictures, girls with huge tits in swimsuits, people posting edgy statuses etc. But now that everyone has figured out this stuff is permenant, faceboook sucks. It's actually gotten to the point where it ruins my real life interactions. I've stopped haning out with certain people because they take to many pictures.
I will say though, if you are trying to figure out a womans sanity. Check her facebook. It's all right there.
Who let these Heaux in my thread?