A funtopic to help us get through the week.
Let's assume you have a meeting with the President and had the opportunity to ask him one question, which you're assured would be answered honestly (secrecy or national security be damned in this hypothetical). What would you ask him? I'm sure a lot of you are going to come up with some funny ones, but that's not my intent (otherwise I would have put this in the lounge). So get those out of your system. (Are you a Muslim? What's Kenya like this time of year? etcetera, etcetera)
I haven't quite picked one yet, but I'm still thinking. Some top contenders:
- Did your office intentionally obfuscate or delay releasing information about the causes of the Benghazi attack for political gain during the last months of the election?
- Why did your office, via Eric Holder, not hand over more information about Fast and Furious?