Before anybody's head explodes, no, I'm not trying to defend or justify the actions of that piece of shit. What I'm curious about is how his public defender would go about trying to win his trial, since, you know, that's his job and all. So try to put yourself in that guy's shoes. You're the most junior attorney in the DA's Office (or wherever it is public defenders come from), so you get the unenviable task of representing someone on trial for five counts of capital murder (two of them against cops), probably dozens more of attempted murder, and God knows whatever other charges they can pile on from a very high-profile bombing, shooting spree, and police manhunt. Basically, what would be your defense strategy?
Would you claim insanity?
Coercion by the older brother?
Try to work some sort of plea deal in exchange for a life sentence?
Turn the trial into an indictment of American war policy and hope to God you get a favorable emotional response from the jury?
I'd like to know y'all's thoughts on this.