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Olivia Pope is a TV character, not a solution.
Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:10 pm
by Gremlin
Re: Olivia Pope is a TV character, not a solution.
Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:43 pm
by Medius
Re: Olivia Pope is a TV character, not a solution.
Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:58 pm
by Gremlin
Its the soap box, there really isnt a direction.
I see a ton of people who know whats going on, for the most part. What sets me off is these people are polishing a turd and calling it a solution. The feeding of the beast must end, because it is clearly a monopoly capitalist with autocratic motives. Its time to put it down before it gets a taste for blood.
In short, it was time to know your neighbor,... yesterday.
With the motive to help each other peacefully leave the plantation.
Re: Olivia Pope is a TV character, not a solution.
Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:19 pm
by Medius
Re: Olivia Pope is a TV character, not a solution.
Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:03 pm
by Gremlin
Re: Olivia Pope is a TV character, not a solution.
Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:32 pm
by Medius
No need to apologize, the whole reason I post here is to evoke conversation.
I myself go back and forth trying to decide whether there is some sinister tint to our government or whether government itself is just by nature tinted by the sinister. Whether the march towards tyranny is a concerted effort by politicians vying for power or the natural result of cramming hundreds of attention starved idiots in a room and entrusting them to grease the machinations of our daily lives.
In the end though, it really doesn't matter. All that matters is the power we give to government. If we restrain that power, we restrain the threat.
The truth that most won't be willing to see is that secrecy, government, and freedom can never coexist. We can have government and freedom or government and secrecy. If we want freedom, we need to find a new path forward in how we protect ourselves from outside threats that requires no secrecy.
Re: Olivia Pope is a TV character, not a solution.
Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:15 pm
by Gremlin
The business im in deals almost exclusively with the successful,... and its gotten dark, even with the construction types.
There is a compounding factor i see with the body blows of "i told you so's", "guilty silences", "oh my god its real"(s). If not that, the "LaLaLa's" with fingered ears grows louder. Scandal after scandal starting after tax day. The system will continue to pump its legitimacy, because thats all it has. If it needs to shoot you to make others understand, it will. If needed, it will shoot enough people to retain its legitimacy. Regardless of the history you believe about the civil war, the basic premise of my statements ring true.
I know im all over the place, but im trying to paint a picture in very low word counts... people are stu-pid... ...not you,... Medius your not stupid.. the reader(s)! THEyRE FRIGGN BLIND!