by Indy » Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:55 am
The GOP has now spent decades embracing failed economic theory, but because ideology trumps pragmatism or reality in their case, they keep pumping the same dead ideas:
-Trickle-down (now reinvented as tax breaks/goodies for "job creators")
-Completely unregulated markets (because the market will regulate itself)--ironically this is what led to the collapse which in turn EXPLODED the debt/deficit
-Starting un-paid for and unbudgeted-for wars
-Run up huge debt, then insist that gov't services be slashed to pay for it
-Defense is off-limits for any budget cuts
-Deficits don't matter. Except when a Dem is in office. So just keep piling them up, and when you lose office, make that the heart of your ideology: we NOW have to tackle the deficit.
In fact, that's been the M.O. for a while now: purposely underfund the gov't, run up huge debts, then turn back to the gov't as the place where you have to cut to pay for the debts. And by that we mean slashing things like programs for the poor, infrastructure, education, student loans--all those programs created for freeloaders.
Because as we also know, if you're poor in this country is because you're lazy and a failure. And if you're part of the 10%, it's because you have excelled in life and worked for every penny of it.
Let's face it, if the GOP were running a business it would have failed decades ago. But we live in a country where you can just keep printing money.
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