Just out of curiosity, I'm wondering if you had a choice between these two hypothetical candidates, which would you rather have representing your district/city/state?
Option 1 is your classic empty suit. A politician who wants nothing more than to collect a salary, enjoy the perceived importance of holding public office, and schmooze with influential people. This candidate is lazy and will not go out of his or her way to take action on anything. BUT, on the issues, this person will reliably line up with you. They'll never lead the good fight, but when the time comes, they'll always be on the side that you agree with on any policy.
Option 2 is smart, hardworking, and believes in making a difference. This person works tirelessly to help his or her constituents and always is willing to do the leg work to make his/her office run effectively. BUT this person is strongly opposed to you on the issues. This is not out of cynicism or corruption, they simply have a perspective very different from yours, but is genuine in their belief that their ideas will be beneficial to the people they represent.
Sadly, I would take Option 1, in particular for legislative officials. For executives like mayors and governors I'd have to think about it a little more, but I still can't imagine preferring the person who is ideologically opposed to me up and down the board.
What do you think?
*Note: Though I know it will probably happen anyway, I'm trying to avoid opening the can of worms that is presidential politics in this thread. I'm really talking about state and local offices. Also spare me the "why choose either" sermon. This is a hypothetical scenario in which you have to choose one of the two.