I was thinking today about how there isn't really any institution or organization in America that is in a position to play the role of a "referee" anymore. It's surely a byproduct of our hyper-partisan politics, but no one can make an objective determination about anything without being demonized attacked as illegitimate by one side.
Supreme Court rules on the constitutionality of Obamacare or Citizens United? The Decision was partisan and political and doesn't truly reflect a legitimate reading of the Constitution.
The CBO scores something? The CBO is biased and their math illegitimate.
As a comparison, imagine if every time an Umpire called a strike or a ball, one of the teams launched into a tirade against him and declared him illegitimate. It would essentially mark the end of baseball as an organized and civilized sport.
I find this highly problematic as we are more and more becoming a society where everyone feels entitled not only to their own opinions but also to their own facts. Is there any institution or organization out there who can still make a call on things and not be vilified by one side or the other as illegitimate?