Time to put your opinions to the test. I have bookmarked this thread and set various alarms to go off every year on this day. Submissions for this years points will be accepted for the next 72 hours, after that any revisions or changes will be voided.
It's a simple idea: make a prediction that you are confident will happen. For a valid prediction, you must provide two bits of information: what specifically is going to happen, and when. Each valid prediction is worth a point. You can earn an extra half-point by correctly identifying why it will happen. The person with the most points in a year will win internet fame, PCF gratitude, and $20 from yours truly. If I win, I'll spend the $20 on beer or weed, and burn or drink one down to all of you.
1. Nothing so generic that you are guaranteed points. I'll be the judge of this, and your prediction will be affirmed or denied within the 72 hour time period.
2. Your prediction must include a specific name, date and activity.
Acceptable: "Barack Obama will swear on public TV in April of 2017, because a heckler hits him with a bag of peanuts."
Unacceptable: "A President will offend people sometime in 2017."
3. You have a one month grace period for prediction dates.
4. All predictions must take place at least three months from the date they are made.
5. Predictions made more than a year away will not count towards points until the current year has expired. So if I make a prediction about something in 2017, it won't count for points until 2016.
6. Rules are subject to change, so don't try to get clever and bypass the spirit of posterity.