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Is America a Christian Nation?
Mon Aug 24, 2015 2:36 am
by SmithSmith
Unfortunately, the USA is slowly but surely becoming an atheist nation. Once we were based on Judeo-Christian principles. Since we are losing that base, it looks like we are going to fry away and no longer exist as a nation. The west is claiming to be mainly christian. But what about homosexual marriages?
Re: Is America a Christian Nation?
Mon Aug 24, 2015 2:39 am
by Spider
Actually, we are becoming a Spiritual But Not Religious nation. Far more of those types than atheists. Atheism has a bad rap, bad connotations, whatever. SBNR, on the other hand...that's pretty much anything you want it to be and sounds neutral and inoffensive enough to hide actual atheism behind.
Re: Is America a Christian Nation?
Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:35 am
by eynon81
Re: Is America a Christian Nation?
Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:05 am
by Indy
If only we would Jesus-ify this country more, we'd get back to what made us great in the first place. What a classic ruse.
Re: Is America a Christian Nation?
Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:09 pm
by eynon81
Re: Is America a Christian Nation?
Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:48 pm
by Thor
As a non-Christian I don't lament the waning Christianity of America, however; I worry about what is replacing it. Right now that is nothing. We are becoming a nihilist and hedonist nation with no overarching values or binding virtues other than crass materialism, mindless consumerism, and trendy SJW/progresssive boilerplate. We have nothing really to unify us or bring us together, we're not a nation so much as a collection of individuals living in the same national boundaries. The West is sick and decaying and the only answer we seem to have for it is to continually drink poison and hasten our demise.
This is why all of the criticisms of Trump that "mainstream" Republicans offer up fall on deaf ears. They whine, "oh he's not a real conservative" or "he donated to the Clinton's!" Who cares? People are attracted to strength and will gravitate to a strong leader naturally. (**** I am not in anyway comparing Trump to Hitler.) People always claim that Hitler was voted in overwhelmingly and my answer is "of course." Why wouldn't he have been? He was strong and was not afraid to speak his mind. What alternative did other political forces in Germany offer? What alternative are current "mainstream" Republicans offering other than tepid apologies and more weak, spineless mealymouthed P.C. platitudes? All they have done in response to Trump is complain about his tone or offer up more flat taxes that are never going to pass.
The point is in the war of ideas, the war of culture, people are going to gravitate towards the perceived strength. So to win you have to be stronger. When the prevailing attitude of the day is hedonism and nihilism people will rally around a strong leader. Evangelicals' top choice right now is Trump, a man who said he has never asked God for forgiveness, which is definitely a sign of the times. If The Establishment wants to beat Trump they have to stop being so mushy, wishy-washy, and weak.
Re: Is America a Christian Nation?
Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:04 pm
by spacemonkey
This country has become to PC to do anything about anything. When you believe in nothing, you will have nothing.
Re: Is America a Christian Nation?
Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:10 pm
by eynon81
Re: Is America a Christian Nation?
Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:50 pm
by Indy
Re: Is America a Christian Nation?
Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:04 pm
by eynon81