by bertramhall » Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:01 am
[quote="Spider"][b]Exhibit A:[/b]
Joseph (the dude from the Bible) built the pyramids. [i]To store grain.[/i] Massive structures of almost entirely solid stone, with a single digit interior volume. For storage.
Also, "scientists" claim that aliens with special powers built them. Just as a counterpoint.
[BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]
Also, he has recently doubled down on this theory: [url][/url]
[b]Exhibit B:[/b]
I've just sat for nearly an hour watching this and giggling. Yes, I'm that bored.
Of note:
[list][*]Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon, believes the basic structure of the human brain, especially the frontal lobes, are created in God's image. That's why we have large frontal lobes. Because god does too.
[*]He believes that speciation has never been recorded by science, and that the fossil record shows no evolutionary connections between species through time.
[*]He believes that evolutionary theory requires that non-beneficial traits are removed from species. Which means...he apparently never took middle school biology.
[*]He believes evolutionists are down with cannibalism (being that they have no morality, I think?).
[*]He thinks evolution is scientific political correctness. Ironically enough.[/list]
[BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]
This shouldn't be a thing in the 21st century. What a wreck we are, as a people, that this guy is currently best positioned (according to polling) to be POTUS.
No doubt further examples to come. I'm going to bed.
[i]Idiot.[/i] Seriously. They need to make an attack ad out of that pyramid thing. I mean....[i]damn.[/i] :-o[/quote]
Theories of some Republicans like Carson are often beyond common sense. People who prohibit abortion even after rape case are not my heroes.