Copy-pasting the same thing I said in Galt's thread:
Wasserman-Schultz is not very smart politically, and that has been apparent for a while. She's a great fundraiser, and that's the only reason she was ever made DNC Chair. But what she did in 2016 was pathetically simplistic and short-sighted. She thought, correctly, that Hillary would be the nominee and likely the next president, so she went out of her way to be on Clinton's side. She obviously thought that showing her dedication and loyalty to Hillary would benefit her down the road. And I'm sure Hillary appreciates it, as any politician would. But unfortunately for DWS, she failed to realize that she's made herself completely toxic in the process, and Hillary can't do much for her now for PR reasons. Schultz may get some kind of tolerable landing spot from Clinton in all this, but it will be a disappointing condolence award. Her trajectory as a serious figure in national Democratic politics is heading downward from here. And she has no one to blame but herself. It's not Hillary's fault or Bernie's fault or anyone else. It's Debbie's fault.