by Spider » Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:20 am
I think it does matter. Right now we're trying to flog someone for what they might or mightn't have done.
As for transparency...its a unicorn. We've never had a meaningful window into the paperwork of government...except the stuff they wanted to share. And anything truly damning wouldn't be recorded anyways. Not everyone is as stupid as Nixon. Just because we have electronic correspondence now doesn't really change anything.
I'm not pleased by this either, to be sure. But really...I don't like this road we so quickly go down, where even the smallest bit of privacy is met with an immediate "WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?!" I don't buy for a minute it was merely ease of use. She knew she was the target of half the country (and who knows how many international actors) in search of something to swiftboat her with. I'm betting she considered this a security measure, such as it is.