It might be easy for you to say its not a huge problem, but for some people in many places it is. In some places, people genuinely believe gays don't even exist because they are so intimidated into hiding themselves, and they are never 'seen'. So would that be a place free of discrimination because no gays can be identified to discriminate against or a place where prejudice is so deep that gay people effectively lack the basic freedom to merely live as who they are? Is it a victory over discrimination or a total infusion of it? Then people like you and I can look past these people and say 'its not a huge problem' because it remains invisible.
Sure, what I have just described may be a slightly different problem, but my point is the will and ability to discriminate is certainly there. Sexuality is obviously something of a different beast from race or gender, and it is more easily concealed (in most cases).
I guess I don't see a change in the principle of something that worked due to a half-century of time passing; it was necessary then, why not now? What would now even be like if not for the 'extreme solution' and how quickly would some places revert if said solution were dissolved?
So again, the line exists. But we stop at gays because its not a huge problem... to you?