by The Comrade » Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:51 pm
considering the il khanate, the golden horde, the chagatai, and yuan exploded into a few dozen micro states within a century i highly doubt ghengis khan's state of being when he died would have mattered. the mongol empire was always a fractured, decentralized group of warbands with an extreme amount of autonomy. hell, even their empire, which in maps yo usee spanning the pacific to the baltic sea, was comprised in the areas that mattered of tribute kingdoms who were pretty much autonomous. the mongols lost control of states like georgia and novogorod not because ghengis khan died a drunk, but because they had no centralized authority in those places to begin with. a couple of generations of autonomy, and soon the tribute stops coming, and the mongols don't have the man power to continually reconquer an area twice the size of russia.
and they hardly ruled the world. their biggest acquisitions were china and persia. much of what else they actually owned was desert, mountains, tundra, wasteland, and nomads.