by exploited » Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:21 am
Don't waste your time. There is no end to the logical atrocities these guys will commit to avoid the fundamental reality of the conflict. In the past week, I've proven all of these points:
1. Israel intentionally and deliberately established the settlement program to preclude a political solution;
2. Israel has intentionally and deliberately disregarded nearly every legal obligation it has as an occupying power. It has been in known disobedience of the UN Security Council and it's own High Court and legal advice for forty years.
3. Israel has refused to consider any solution that is actually feasible. The offer presented by Israel and rejected by Arafat was absolutely brutal, and consisted of nothing but more deliberate attempts to deny Palestine statehood.
4. Israel has deliberately and intentionally targeted civilian homes, infrastructure and people, in contravention of not only international expectations, but basic wartime morality.
5. All liberation movements require both violent and nonviolent action, and Palestine is justified in resisting Israel by force, due to the continuous and unrepentant theft of their lands, with full economic and military support of the United States.
Despite that, the argument made is that Israel is in the right because it is stronger, and before progress can be made, Palestine must adopt a program of nonviolent resistance, despite such a campaign being virtually impossible (how does one carry out civil disobedience when you are locked in an open-air prison?).
Galt and Sazari represent the very worst aspects of American foreign policy. Ignorant of the historical context, ignorant of international law, ignorant of precedents set by other movements in the past, ignorant of their own governments role in worsening the conflict... Just plain ignorant, on every level, but perfectly okay with giving away billions to one side of the conflict (despite a supposed neutrality).