by Charai » Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:47 pm
Zimmerman would have gone down in every state north of the mason dixon on a maslaughter by negligence charge. You would never have obtuse, unethical, incompitent prosecutors like that handling such a high profile case for one.
Also, In OHIO, he certainly would have been jailed. There is zero way zimmerman proves by a preponderance of the evidnece that he acted in self defense. Like I said, the burden here is critical. The bar is so high for many of these requirements, that when we don't know, we simply aquit. Zimmerman shot dead the only other witness, and then took advantage of that ambiguity and the irrationality of the law to go free.
Stand your gound was certianly at play, otherwise zimmerman would have had a duty to retreat. It is MUCH MUCH easier to prove that zimmerman had an opportunity to retreat and didnt, than it is to prove he didnt feel he was at risk of serious bodily injury or death. Stand your ground played a huge role in this case.
Who let these Heaux in my thread?