It's kind of interesting...Hamas has never come close to actually being able to really threaten Israel militarily (their derprockets barely ever hurt anyone). Nor have they done anything at all to make themselves look sympathetic (most harsh critics of Israel will still agree that Hamas are dicks).
What they have done is trolled* Israel into repeatedly putting themselves in the middle of international controversies while they exist in a region where they are hated from all sides.
(*it's well established that terrorism is the geopolitical equivalent of trolling)
I might be sounding like a broken record here, but every time there's controversy about Israel demolishing homes or building settlements, enforcing the blockade etc, I think it's a shittier situation than just "bad pr". Everyone in your neighborhood already is looking for a reason to hate you and now they got one giftwrapped. The anti-Israel leaders in the rest of the region really would wear thin pretty quickly if their whole shtick was just anti-Israel cause they hate Jews or hate the West.
I know so far it may seem that it doesn't matter and it's really just whatever for Israel in this regard, but I think it becomes a problem eventually if the status quo isn't changed.