by The Dharma Bum » Sat Apr 12, 2014 5:35 pm
The truck they were trying to hide behind armed guards was full of watering equipment that was set up by the local ranchers that they had been covertly removing. Those people have been using that land before the the US even got out that far. That equipment is hard evidence that proves that.
The government doesn't really give a shit about public safety. They backed down because what they were doing was illegal and they got caught before they could remove evidence proving this.
Otherwise this would have been another philadelphia MOVE, ruby ridge, or waco. Notice there is nothing left of any of those incidents?
Anything that could possible be used as evidence of wrongdoing was sanitized in all three of those cases. What makes the Bundy Ranch case different is that this sort of outcome became an impossibility. Too many people figured out what was going on before they could act.