Iran claims another US Drone
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:13 am ... -us-drone/
It is probably pointless debating the reality of this story. Perhaps we would like to discuss who is most likely to be telling tall tales. I can see the US denying the story because they have to admit Iran could do it, and Iran may have actually done. From the Iranian perspective, any chance to embarrass the US is to much to pass up, even if you have to manufacture proof to support their version of events
It is probably pointless debating the reality of this story. Perhaps we would like to discuss who is most likely to be telling tall tales. I can see the US denying the story because they have to admit Iran could do it, and Iran may have actually done. From the Iranian perspective, any chance to embarrass the US is to much to pass up, even if you have to manufacture proof to support their version of events