His life is meaningless the way society is now. I don't see why you think that is a good argument against what the principles I am trying to express here.
Far less people will give up and commit suicide if they lived in an equitable society rather than in an inequitable society that thinks welfare makes up for the resources that are being stolen from human society by a very tiny segment of the population.
If he lived in my society he never would have had anything to worry about and he could work doing whatever it is he likes to do, while keeping the full product of his labor. Instead he lives in yours, where there are no jobs, but a job is needed to eat, and he has to depend on handout from the very thieves that stole his livelihood. I'd kill myself too.
Suicide, mass murders, crime etc. None of that happens for no reason. Those actions are actually rational given the context in which they were conceived, but because society believes in a pack of myths these actions seem irrational to them and they can't understand why these horrible things keep happening.
It's really very simple to understand once you turn your back on the phantasms society uses to justify it's current inimical mode of production and apply a proper analysis of human society.