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Re: New Xbox

Postby The Dharma Bum » Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:06 am

Instead of trying to adopt the console to multifunction use they should just start over from scratch and design something people will want.

Leave consoles alone. A decent system will cost about $200 bucks and have good game for about $20, without all the anti-piracy BS. This is a fair price and what people who play video games can afford.

Otherwise I'm just not playing video games anymore. I grew up playing video games. I had one of the first "pong" games when they came out and have had every major system since. But I've haven't done any gaming in several years now because it's just too much of a rip-off and a hassle. The fun is gone because the industry ruined it.

And I've spent $$$ over my lifetime buying this crap. I'm sick of it. They just need a good, affordable product with good games and they will have a winner. I'm not paying $600+ for this shit though. That's for sure.
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Re: New Xbox

Postby eric » Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:35 am

"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
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Re: New Xbox

Postby Spider » Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:47 am

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Re: New Xbox

Postby Spider » Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:50 am

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Re: New Xbox

Postby eric » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:04 am

"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
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Re: New Xbox

Postby John Galt » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:15 am

cannot discount the wii. call it a "kitchen gadget" but it outsold in hardware and way way way way way outsold in software. but whatever, call it a kitchen gadget. but the thing was? sony was not top system last time, period. nintendo was. yeah it was the least powerful of the systems. yeah it had a gimmick. but the gimmick was so good both xbox and ps3 ended up trying to copy it

nintendo made money off each wii wold, unlike sony and microsoft. i will agree their wii u is struggling, but they still have handhelds to keep them afloat. they need better titles and better marketing with the wii u. mainly titles. they get zelda and i buy it, happens every time

i think consoles are getting quite powerful and i don't see the point of differentiating them from pcs. the good thing about them is known specs to develop for, but you can develop games for lower end or higher end, eventually people buy higher end machines and will buy the higher end spec games, if they are good games. i think eric may be right. you see MS is creating not only a video game console but also a entertainment system for the living room. sony might try to copy but they will fail. nintendo will keep making games and consoles like they always have and will be fine. but sony will get sucked into that trying to compete with xbox. and sony will lose that battle. they should take a lesson from nintendo and don't do what they are bad at just do what they are good at. and what is that, exactly? well they can make high end systems and there are beautiful games to be had. but they are losing money on each system they sell for years, no doubt that will happen again, and xbox is going to try to bully its way in their with gaming console + home entertainment business. and if xbox subsidizes it with subscriptions to xbox live or whatever... look out sony. and you jsut can't compete with that low end wii u, that price will forever be lower than your high end system.

so what are you offering sony? games, and a high priced machine (i am guessing it will be the most expensive, again). if you go try and do xbox's extra things, you lose. microsoft already makes media center things. you lose. if you don't though, you're asking people to just buy a system for your games, and it's really expensive. you're probably gonna lose there too

i think eric is right
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Re: New Xbox

Postby Spider » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:21 am

No. People are pissed off about what MS has actually told them. The anger comes directly from MS. They did it to themselves. And continue to do it.

Its not that people don't understand...the problem is that they DO understand, even if MS tries so hard to obfuscate. People know what MS has told them, and it pisses them off.

Look, another GIF:

As for the sales figures, they're on every outlet, on wikipedia...etc etc...just take a couple seconds and google it. Every entertainment media source has covered it.

As for spinning off the entertainment business..that is a GOOD thing for the company overall. Its a part of the reason Sony has been coming back a bit. You can google that as well. Also extensively covered. The logic there is that they take the entertainment business public, and use the cash to revamp the electronics business. Its an indication of the strength of the entertainment business that they consider doing this. Their electronics business tho..eh. Phones, TVs...eh. Low margins, crowded...
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Re: New Xbox

Postby eric » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:40 am

*shrug* I think you're just showing more and more of your fanboyism. No other reason to keep posting childish stuff when I thought we were trying to have a discussion.

As Galt pointed out, so eloquently, Sony ain't gon kumpeet with dat Micrasaft. Just isn't going to happen. Microsoft has the ability to integrate their products in a way that Sony can't. Microsoft is making the Xbox the true center of your living room, and is connecting your devices and products. I just don't see that in Sony. I don't see a place in the market for Sony. They aren't offering anything better than Nintendo, or better than Microsoft.

Also, what exactly has Microsoft told people that pissed them off? I remember (it was quite funny actually) people freaking out about the console needing to be connected to the Internet. Turned out, it just needed to connect once/day to update your account information.

Whoop-de-do. If you don't have the Internet, you don't need video games.

The DRM thing is still in the works. They haven't released enough information about how it will actually work in practice for anybody to make good judgement. But people are acting like Microsoft is the new EA because they proposed (in my opinion) a visionary system which will hopefully eliminate physical disks and economic inefficiency (places like Gamestop, etc...).

As for sales:

Site shows neck and neck: http://www.vgchartz.com
Shows xbox ahead: http://www.statista.com/statistics/1605 ... sole-type/

Some other stuff that's 6 months old showed Sony ahead, but it appears that's changed since.

So idk where your data was from.
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Re: New Xbox

Postby Spider » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:44 am

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Re: New Xbox

Postby eric » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:53 am

"As for price, right now I'm betting on both going for around $500."

"At present, at least in these terms, MS looks to be costing quite a lot more than Sony."

"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
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