It's not the food we eat, it's not the air we breathe.
People seem to forget, kids are kids. They naturally want to run around and play. A sedentary child is a fat child, yet we fuss at kids who wont sit still. They can't win. If they sit still they get fat, if they get fat, we fuss at them for being lazy. If they try to run around we drug them up so they sit still.
No, it's not the foods we eat. Kids have energy, ADD and ADHD are made up terms so docs can drug up kids so they'll sit still. I was hyper as a kid, I wanted to run around and play, and I did. I didn't need drugs, therapy, I needed a playground and about 15 minutes. Then I was ok for a little while. Then I needed to go run around again. I was raised on nutritious home cooked meals by a mom that could cook well.
They need to stop drugging kids and make recesses last longer and be more often.