by Ben Huh » Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:44 pm
I am not huge on amnesty, but will support it for a handful of reasons:
1) It makes those illegal immigrants that gain amnesty through it citizens. This is important because then they can get real jobs and pay real taxes for the social programs they use in this country. No more of them freeloading on American infrastructure.
2) It could be a passageway to actual immigration reform, which for me would mean making it easier to come into the US legally and gain citizenship if you want it. It would also include removal of the "born in the US makes you a citizen" clause of the 14th Amendment. IMO if one of your parents is already a US citizen or if both parents are legal immigrants, you're a US citizen at birth. If both of your parents are here illegally, you do not gain citizenship at birth.
..."if the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of a divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit."