by The Dharma Bum » Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:30 pm
It's not a fallacy at all. You are simply ignoring the facts and restating the myth that is being disproven by this information in the face of empirical evidence to the contrary.
Yes, if the product of society's collective effort were distributed in any kind of equitable manner people would have to do a lot less work than they do now, which is exactly what I am advocating, ultimately.
But since a tiny segment of the population can have massive fortunes and a monopoly on political power the potential for this leisure time is lost to the average person, who has to work most of his life away simply to survive. (It's a complete waste of the human potential). Even so an agricultural society would still require that each individual worked more that a forager would have to in a hunter gatherer society. In an agricultural society the only one doing less work than a forager would be the elite class who do no productive labor at all and that is only a tiny percentage of population.
The fact is agricultural society does produce a larger mass of food, but the price it pays in work per calorie is far higher because it is grossly inefficient. You can feed more people, but you cannot feed them as well, which is why they are more susceptible to disease and hardship and weaker individually.