by Indy » Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:33 pm
That is correct albeit a separate issue.
Here's one idea I always thought would work and which will probably get me snagged in the PRISM net: what if Americans revolted by not sending the checks on April 15th?
In other words, voted with our DOLLARS? Until x, x and x are done, you don't get paid? Sure it's kind of holding them at gunpoint but now the tables are turned. We just shut down the gov't yo, not a bunch of wacky congressmen. And guess who isn't getting paid now? You.
Right now the TBTF banks are holding us at gunpoint--literally. By remaining that big, to piggyback on your analogy, LNRW, all our marbles are in one bowl and if that bowl breaks all our marbles are lost. That way they can bizarrely say: you prosecute us and everyone gets it! Which is what they're doing now. Because we're so big, if we go down the economy goes with us.
No most normal people would say then break them up so our economy is not at the end of a loaded gun. And even the most delusional plutocrat elitist would probably know that if we crash again, this time into depression, the social rage and unrest that has not yet happen would probably happen then. Rich people would become targets.
Right now we need a real V for Vendetta-type national awakening. Without all the violence. Somebody/something who can outyell the MSM.
We wouldn't let Russia put missles in Cuba and the world almost ended because of it. Yet we allowed these guys to put an economic nuclear bomb in lower Manhattan and nobody's even trying to diffuse it? Simply bizarre.