At least the banks still can find a way to jerk over those least able to fight back. ... shoeboxes/Several years ago I became aware of this when one of my girls got her first job. She was given one of them. I told her to get in a get Direct Deposit immediately. I had a dark suspicion they would be required at some point just as I had seen Direct Deposit forced on both myself and my X. At least we weren't forced to pay fees to get at the money we earned. What I love is how they claim that it is to "help" employees who don't have accounts while gouging the other 90% who do have accounts.
Lest we forget, the banks are already getting 3% of every sale made using a credit/debit card from the business. I have to "tip out" the CC companies on every tip I get that is put on a card. The lady at my local corner store would rather have me write a check if I run out of cash because that way she gets to keep the money since she knows my checks are good. I can kind of understand a .5-1% fee, but 3%. The business has to purchase the card machine, pay for the phone service and then give up another 3% of every sale.