by The Dharma Bum » Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:44 pm
You must fear them on some level, or you wouldn't wish to eradicate the religion.
I just think that if one considers the various existential threats to the world terrorist attack is pretty low on the list. Economic, environmental, and military damage due to industrial capitalism are at the top.
Besides is terrorism actually due to adherence to an evil religious philosophy or is it the result of industrial capitalism creating puppets states that allow the conversion of commonly held traditional lands where they live into the private property of international stockholders?
I think it is pretty hard to deny that the doctrines of militant Islam are specifically designed to keep interlopers out. I look at it as a defensive strategy more than anything. It's been pretty successful, historically speaking. They survived the Mongols and I have no doubt they will survive our onslaught as well.