by uebermann » Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:59 pm
I should also point out that their case doesn't negate any arguments of abortion seeing as the fetus has a body. I'm just saying the issue isn't so black and white.
I don't disagree that a woman should have control over her body. People are quick to call abortions heinous and disgusting, but whats the medical alternative? Extracting the fetus out alive and letting it slowly die in a garbage can? At least the method used now is humane. You may not agree with the practice, but I think it would be far less humane to let it die "naturally" outside of the body. Because it will surely die without some kind of intervention.
I don't agree that women should be able to abort at any point in the pregnancy. I think it should be be allowed at whatever point the fetus is viable outside of the womb and after that point they have to either get a C-section or carry it to term. However, if they sign the baby over after it is born, I don't think they should have to pay the medical bills for the delivery or care of the infant after. That should fall on the state or the federal government.

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