See and these are never the questions that anybody in the media asks. Watch. They're all salivating right now because nothing's more of a cash cow to cable news than wars.
There were some really basic questions that nobody asked about Iraq back then, like:
-So Saddam has nukes or he's trying to and when he does he's going to... hand them over to AQ? Huh? Why would he do that?
-So Saddam has mustard gas (is it 1910 already!?) and he's going to fly a drone over NYC and spray us, which would without any doubt result in Baghdad being wiped off the face of the Earth. So he's gonna do that why again?
-Who forges documents about yellow cake, except those who would need us to believe somebody has yellow cake?
-Iraq had no connection to 9/11 and doesn't have a relationship with AQ--AQ despises Hussein. OK so what are we doing there again?
It was the check-ables that everybody just glossed over and ta-da! Look what happened.