by exploited » Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:12 pm
Here's the thing: a solid chunk of the population in every revolution just wants bread and shelter. They pick a side and stay with that side only so long as there is a utilitarian benefit. The vast majority of people affected by revolution have nothing to do with the revolution itself: they cannot afford to give a damn about anything beyond the necessities of life. This is true every place in the world, in all times.
Point being, you can't say the Islamists are not to blame. Sure they are. Just like the capitalists are to blame for the state and actions of Western society. They are a small group able to exercise power exponentially greater than what is warranted by their support. They manipulate the public by telling them one thing, then pursuing the other. They buy them off with programs designed to worsen the illnesses of their society while alleviating the symptoms.
The Muslim Brotherhood had every intention of using democracy to destroy democracy, just like George Bush invaded Iraq for peace, and Obama kills Syrians to protect them. I'm not happy to see Egyptian military cracking down violently, nor do I support continued military aid.
But the Revolution you guys seem eager to have succeed has only just begun, and the Muslim Brotherhood had every intention of weakening the elements that Egypt so desperately needs: rational legal systems, internal self-sufficiency, insane liberals, social outcasts, powerful women, religious minorities. These are the people who will carry the Revolution, and there is no way they would survive their infancy if the Brotherhood succeeded.
A democracy dedicated to suppressing the elements listed above is infinitely more dangerous and destructive than a military junta suppressing the same things. In the long run, the destruction of the Muslim Brotherhood, if successful, will be a positive development.