by Stratego » Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:38 pm
The problem Em is that your average Ahmed may have his heart in the right place, but he's not educated in ruling a country. When Bashar al-Assad is overrun and the average Ahmed needs to run the country, he'll need to address the face that there are terrorist elements still in his country. If he doesn't stamp them out, then there is no stability in his country. However, if he tries, he'll have a difficult time identifying the terrorists from other average Ahmed. As he fights the terrorists, he'll unavoidably violate the rights of other average Ahmeds. At that time he'll be considered a dictator, and other average Ahmeds will want to rise up against him.
Sigmund Freud defined four parts of a psyche; the id, the ego, the superego and the stratego. The Stratego being the highest form of morality and scientific thinking.
If guns are not outlawed, the in-laws will have guns.