by exploited » Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:10 pm
I like Comrade's buzzword for not saying anything that might demonstrate your affiliation with a particular cultural tradition: inclusiveness.
Inclusiveness is everybody being able to wish a person well using whatever cultural or religious beliefs they subscribe to, and have it accepted as an act of genuine well-wishing, instead of construed as some sort of evil attempt to assimilate a person into your culture. Whereas in his sense of inclusiveness, what you say should be stripped of all particular cultural/religious connotations, and simply boiled down into a bland, nondescript, meaningless catchphrases like "Happy Holidays."
If some guy cherishes his beliefs, and wants to include me in his celebration, I am all for it. I like receiving cards on Eid Al-Adha because it means alot to my friend and I appreciate that he took the time to send me a nice picture of his family and a little note, wishing me well on this most holy of holidays... even though I find his religious beliefs to be wrong-headed at best and disturbing at worst.
To sum it all up: if you get offended because someone says something like Happy Hannukah or Merry Christmas or Blessing Be Upon You This Eid Al-Adhar, you're an asshole. Scratch that, a stupid asshole.