by exploited » Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:15 pm
So is this some American thing where you have to adopt an extreme position because you have alot of Christian crazies or something?
I'm genuinely curious. Is it due to the Bill O'Reillys of your country that you have to insist that someone making a reference to their religious beliefs is trying to indoctrinate you? Because otherwise nothing either of you have said makes any sense.
Christmas is an event that most Americans celebrate in one way or another, whether black, white, hispanic, from Ireland or Lebanon or Egypt or Japan, whatever. And yet you've called it ethnocentric. When most people say "Merry Christmas," it has nothing at all to due with lashing out against perceived political correctness, it is just a phrase, and yet you both appear to think it is about Christians acting out a persecution complex. You've called it ignorant, but neither of you have specified how wishing someone well is ignorant in the slightest. You've even called it psychotic, without any relation to what that word actually means.
Finally, when confronted with pretty basic and sensible objections, you resort to sarcasm, herp derping via Youtube, and posting images meant to mock others positions. Such behaviour almost always indicates a weakness of position, with the only exceptions being in response to PoS, dwbh and jimmyz.
So what's the deal?