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When Terrorists Win Miss America • Page 6 • Front Page News • Political Crossfire Forums

When Terrorists Win Miss America

Current news and it's political impact.

Re: When Terrorists Win Miss America

Postby laelan51 » Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:45 am

The reason hack politicians and ignorant or evil motivated ebloggers can get away with such stupidity is the public school system. I have a beautiful wife who could wrap herself in a sari and go unnoticed in a New Deli marketplace, but her ancestry is German, Slovac, Irish, Scottish and English (that I know of). I worked in a phone calling center after my disability cut me off from real work and I worked with college and highschool students. There was a bonus system there and I had a lot of points which I put up as a prize if they would take a quiz that I wrote which included only things I and my friends Knew in 1969 school general knowledge. I asked history, geography, politics, religion, and similar(my interests) questions. The two winners got about 20% correct. A "D" student would have done better in the bad old days of "sin, sex, beer, wine, we're the class of 69". It's common for California students now to place Spain somewhere in Mexico. I was just in California to see my grand-daughter and her father for the first time and one of her State supplied nurses said she was Spanish when she was clearly at least mostly Amerind in ancestry. Her other nurse that I met was descended from black Africans and red Amerinds and her "negro" husband was one quarter at most African origin(I saw her pictures of his Irish mother and German grandmother. He looked like a typical cockney pub bred MMA brawler). My grand-daughter is Scottish, English, German, French, Mic Mac, Seminole, and African. I could go on forever about our true origins and the politics behind the purposeful dumbing down of America's people, but it is sufficient to say that ignorance is the tool of tyrants and you can then fill in the rest. (P.S. It is the left overwhelmingly that, like Hitler, uses "Race" to make political points. I personally don't know any rightwing racists, but I see the left using race in every argument, it was atheist-Darwinist-socialist/fascist-occultist-scientific based secular-humanist German national socialist leftism and Progressive elitist Americans like Wilson and Sanger who promoted racial Eugenics in the 20th Century.
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Re: When Terrorists Win Miss America

Postby The Dharma Bum » Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:40 am

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Re: When Terrorists Win Miss America

Postby laelan51 » Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:05 am

It is neotenous traits that assure that we see infants as cute and needful of our care. It is mature, healthy, symmetrical, capable of producing and caring for infants traits that make women so attractive. A young male in an insular community will see his mother and sisters as the epitome of feminine pulchritude and seek out women of like appearance. It is exposure to ethnic and cultural variety that weans a youth from nurtural bias and maturity leads one to see the feminine beauty of outré forms. Color, bone structure, hair, eye form and color, proportion and cultural style and manner are all significant obstacles to a male's appreciation of non standard female aura but a healthy explorative mind and a touch of libido can overcome all such obstacles.
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Re: When Terrorists Win Miss America

Postby JDHURF » Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:17 am

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Re: When Terrorists Win Miss America

Postby The Comrade » Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:39 am

this is seriously like tracker and robodoon had a baby

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Re: When Terrorists Win Miss America

Postby laelan51 » Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:47 pm

Don't know them, but they sound like fine fellows. They must know some reality and be unafraid to breach etiquette to say it in the face of Marxist-conformity(political correctness).
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Re: When Terrorists Win Miss America

Postby The Comrade » Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:54 pm

lol marxist.

buzzwords are fun.
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Re: When Terrorists Win Miss America

Postby Ben Huh » Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:59 pm

Can someone please tell this person that political correctness and marxism are not the same thing? Better yet, I am getting a lot of amusement from atheist-Darwinist-socialist/fascist-occultist-scientific based secular-humanist German national socialist leftism. Dafuq? =))
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Re: When Terrorists Win Miss America

Postby laelan51 » Sun Oct 06, 2013 6:21 pm

Huh is a good name, it connotes curiosity. The long string of words instead of "Nazi" is because most people don't have a clue of the origin and complexity of the whole "buzz word". Many just have some vague image of ultimate evil and fail to note that "Nazi" is very much like "pro Choice" or "Communitarian". I was just wondering why the whole "hunt down the Nazis and bring them to justice" thing doesn't equally apply to other great mass murderers like the minions of Mao, Ho, Pol, Hussein, Eisenhower and Roosevelt, Amin, NARAL, and others whose count is in the thousands to multi millions. p.s.----Yes, I said Eisenhower, who loaded at bayonet point on to closed train cars one and a half million anti-communist Russian partisans who fought against their Bolshevik masters in WW2 and were forcibly repatriated to be executed by the Red Army on arrival.
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Re: When Terrorists Win Miss America

Postby Ben Huh » Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:52 pm

I got this nickname when my Palestinian GF in high school couldn't pronounce my real last name when she was trying to read it aloud. It has stuck around for personal reasons.

...carry on with the rambling, this site has lacked one since tracker went AWOL.
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