It seems that a lot of people are confusing incapacity benefit ( which is regularly reassessed until the time the claimant are gets better or it becomes known they won't get better and always has been) with disability benefits which are paid to claimants who have had illnesses or disabilities for which they have needed extra help for at least 3 months, or they qualify under the special rules which are the claimant is dying from a debilitating disease and will likely be dead within 6 months.
The nice thing about the latter is that although a person may have incurable cancer that has spread elsewhere in the body and is feeling very ill due to chemo most of the time, and has not only lost the use of one arm, but has tennis elbow in the other making any sort of work impossible..pheww - because the person hasn't been told they will die within 6 months, they can't get the benefit. Did I say nice? I meant disgraceful.
No, it's not me. Someone I know. I do what I can to help.
There seems to be this very nasty attitude prevailing to be shocked at the idea that people who are very ill or disabled are able to watch TV, buy new clothes, heat their homes and occasionally have nice times with their families. Most important of all, they sometimes have fairly good days when they don't feel too bad at all. How dare they (!)
We need to wake up and see exactly what we are manipulated into feeling by right wing press.