My position had always been that Chavez should have removed himself earlier and let the nascent social movements carry the work forwards. Chavez really hindered the movements by compelling them to rely on a single individual in one position for so much. That is now really causing sustained harm by the clearly incompetent Maduro.
Spider, you cannot with any shred of intellectual honesty pretend that the situation in Venezuela is a condemnation of planned economy. To begin with state management is not the only form of planned economy. Furthermore, there are simply far too many instances of state owned enterprises (SOE's) only succeeding because they were state managed: Singapore Airlines "is one of the most highly regarded airlines in the world...Unlike most other carriers, it has never made a financial loss in its 35-year history," as institutional development economist Ha Joon Chang observes. Singapore Airlines is an SOE. Korea's POSCO (Pohang Iron and Steel Company) began as an SOE, it is now privatized, but that only occurred after it became successful as an SOE, and became within ten years "one of the most efficient steel-producers on the planet and is now the world's third largest.(Chang)"
There are a plethora of such examples to be found not only in East Asia, Taiwan, China and so on, but within European economies like Austria, Finland, France, Norway and Italy. Here's some former SOE's that became successful because of the fact: Renault, Alcatel, St Gobain, Usinor, Thomson, Thales, Elf Aquitaine, Rhone-Poulenc, etc. Returning to Latin America one only need review Brazilian state-owned Petrobras to conclude that SOE's are not predictably disastrous.