Dear Kane - I can't make it so the economy doesn't go up and down in cyclical nature. So I wont' attempt to. What I'll do is put a plan in place to where I know that the people receiving the money are being educated about their finances, their health, and incentivized to not spend all the money unless they have to. In addition his request was how would I change the program not how I would fix the economy.
Fighting the idea of Food Stamps is absurd and only loses elections (I'm not for it from a government funding perspective). Running food stamps more like a business and less like a hand out is something we can accomplish. If it were up to me I would put a system in place where if you volunteer for programs such as this in a limited fashion you would be paid on a 3 to 1 basis against your taxes. So if you put in $100 worth of services your would get a $300 tax write off. People would be volunteering all over the place and things would get done much faster. I don't believe the rich would do it, but that low to middle class people who hate taxes would be helping people in droves, and then you could really make a difference in these people lives.
The comment about spending going up incredibly is, because it has risen then faster even with the greater number of people, and it's due to poor management not successfully feed the populous.