What I said is exactly correct.
You and the Hannitys of the world go on and on about how black people are stealing your money via welfare--using a sweeping generalization and/or strawman (see how that works, bro?) and this is why we need to end welfare.
When it comes to the white men who stole easily a million times more money from us than any welfare recipient could possibly do--they are in fact the biggest welfare parasites in U.S. history--you say absolutely nothing. Because you are either that clueless or that gullible. OR, somebody has figured out that if they cater to your racial fears/hatreds, that will blind you to anything else.
Fact, and fact.
You see, bro: in order for something to be strawman, I have to be attributing an argument to you that you never made. You make the former, you never make the latter. Period.
So at this point, protip: quit digging.
Now, the reason that Hannity and FOX continually pump you with these stereotypes about lazy black people ruining your life is so that you will never notice the ungodly rich white guys who are raping the country. And the best part is: even though it's revealed to you, you STILL parrot your bogeyman stories verbatim, in between mouth-breathing. About blacks who have not one but four--FOUR!--cell phones and YOU paid for them! Why, you're a victim, of course.
I have a Nigerian friend who wants your PIN number. Can you help us out?