Way to totally miss the point of all of this.
Which is not the whole Zimmerman-shot-Trayvon-because-he's-black argument.
No, the real story here is a wannabe poseur cop who decided to act out his fantasy despite being told by actual cops not to do so and when it turned out he was absolutely unequipped and completely skill-less when it comes to confronting/fighting somebody, he had to kill that person to get out of a situation entirely created by him. Period.
Had the cops been allowed to do their job this NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED.
I don't know and I don't care if Zimmerman is a racist. What is indisputable is that he is a laughable buffoon and clown... and, hey: let's give all those people guns! So people have to die because of their bad decisions! Yay!
Where do I sign up?
Here's where people should sign up: for a BASIC SELF-DEFENSE CLASS. And guess what will be the FIRST thing they teach you? To NOT GET YOURSELF INTO DANGEROUS SITUATIONS. Which Zimmerman did and it was utterly and completely unnecessary--and he was told that and yet did it anyway.
But let's support this complete bozo because it's the FOX thing to do!