by dontworrybehappy » Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:17 am
And yet again you fail to see the difference between mandatory buying something from someone because you have a pulse or the legal requirements if you wish to do something that you aren't required to do, drive a car, employ people, etc.
Employers are required to provide certain things to their employees. But employers are not required to employ anyone at all. They aren't required to even be a business. But because they chose to be one, they are required to follow some laws. You aren't required to buy or own a car or insure a vehicle, but if you buy a car and want to drive it on public roads, you must follow those laws. I'm required to have homeowners insurance on my house because I'm paying on the mortgage. Is that illegal? No. I wasn't required to buy the house in the first place, but because I chose to, then I am bound by other rules and such. But nobody forced me to buy the house.
But with the ACA, you MUST purchase insurance for no other reason than you have a pulse. That is a HUGELY dangerous precedent. It's absolutely unconstitutional I don't care what the SC says. Anyone with half a brain knows you can't force someone to buy something from a private company. That's not the role of gov't.
Until you stop saying things like "well, you have to buy car insurance" or "you have to buy unemployment insurance" you just simply won't get it. I don't have to buy car insurance. If it was mandatory, can you explain why millions of people in New York don't have car insurance? Oh yea, that's right, they don't have a car. But.....they do have a pulse which is all that's required to be forced to buy a different product.
"Police protection" is an oxymoron. Gun laws are like masturbation, they both feel really good, but after you're done you realize you haven't accomplished anything."