LOL!!!! On cue, you drag out Clinton (back to the 90s!) and demand answers to Benghazi (Obama!) but absolutely refuse to talk about things like: 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
In other words, you only want to employ narratives where the villain in the end is always the same: some evil librool.
Clinton? OMG desperate. Pathetic. You don't even realize your own blatantly stupid hypocrisy: you screech about how Clinton didn't get OBL for eight years (while of course obsessing over his dick) yet seem absolutely clueless that AFTER 9/11 happened GWB and President Cheney failed to get OBL.
Derp. Derpity derp derp. Ooops.
And who got him? Obama.
Pffft. Sit down.
Everything that happened while Bush was in office is SOMEBODY ELSE'S FAULT. More ultra-liberal, super Jesse Jackon-like excuse making and dodging responsibility from a wholesale fake "conservative" who thinks all that entails is hating you "fuccing liberals."
Ladies and gents: I give you exhibit A why the GOP is in a death spiral.