by The Dharma Bum » Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:06 am
That's how representative democracy works. It's also why representative democracy is shit.
If you think the point of democracy is to elect "rulers" rather than to be a method of self governance you are sadly mistaken. Those items you you present as essential to our survival are all examples of state excesses. They don't represent competence or right thinking action in our dealings with other entities in any way. That behavior is not necessary, or even desirable, so please quit trying to portray it as such.
There is nobody spying on the us with an idea of invading us. lol, they are trying to get trade secrets and shit. Basically we are spying simply to gain data, and probably mainly use it to blackmail foreign dignitaries to force compliance with unfavorable trade agreements etc
It's just retarded that humanity wastes their efforts on such a useless endeavor. I don't want any of my tax dollars going to support any of that. The most advanced technological system on earth is being completely misused imho.