There's a variety, but I think when the majority poisons the well, you have to jump ship, even if it's only by changing the name.
For example, I used to identify as a communist. I still view myself as an anti-propertarian, anti-statistic communalist (a communist, basically), but the term is just beyond repair since there's so many Stalinists and Leninists. I instead associate with more favorable terms like 'mutualism' or 'libertarian socialist.'
Or you can get crazy with adjectives and identify as a "progressive pro-egaltarian anti-radical feminist."
It's just being smart. Most people will tune you out within five seconds if you don't have a carefully crafted pitch. We live in a society where you have to appeal to someone's interest in the first 1-2 minutes or you lose them. That is good and bad. It reduces the amount of air-farting that academics like to perform, but it leads to smaller attention spans. Feminism has been spoiled, I feel, beyond repair by organizations like NOW.