I'm sure black voters would consider a white candidate were he ever to not alienate them. Look no further than Chicago and the last few mayoral elections.
Emanuel got more than 50% of the black vote.
The reason that the GOP doesn't get any of the black vote is because they've become the party of race-baiting and they welcome bigots rather than cast them out.
Sure they can try and rationalize it by claiming that those dumb black folk just vote for black candidates (you mean like Clinton?) but that's all they're doing: rationalizing.
FOX News and the rage merchants pump race-baiting 24/7, every day. And they wonder why black people don't vote for them. Wow, what a mystery.
That, and the fact that they've declared open war on the poor in this country, who are disproportionately black. Wow, yet another mystery.
So many unanswered questions! So little time to dig deep for answers...
Stay tuned for next week's episode: "Why Gay People Don't Vote GOP."