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WASHINGTON, D.C. (CBS) – Millennials have received a lot of attention — mostly unwanted — since the recession.
Numerous studies have looked at their so-called “failure to launch” – why those born between the early 80s and the early 2000s are living at home longer, why so many in that age group are un- or under-employed.
But comprehensive research out of Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce claims that shifting “economic realities” and an increasingly non-linear relationship between work, education and retirement is behind the lag in transition to adulthood, rather than laziness or dependency on parental units.
Referring to this time period as “a lost decade,” the research notes that long-term structural changes in the economy have forced the age that workers reach median wage from 26 to 30, and that the need for “skill development after high school” has stalled the economic progress of young adults. Young African-Americans, especially, have been affected, with their average age of median wage attainment at 33.