by Indy » Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:46 pm
We should probably steer this more towards the bad argument than the poster.
But what you see here is exactly what I've been talking about forever: this is what these people believe--all black people are simply welfare parasites who of course vote for the black guy to keep the freebies coming along with the four Obamaphones (I'll ignore the obvious question as to what you would do with four phones). And they're (the thie people) are allegedly paying for it, which is keeping them from realizing the American dream! Doesn't that make you aaaaaangry, white man!?
You would think it was a different century although we didn't have welfare in the 1800s.
All the old stereotypes are clearly still in play: black people are simply lazy, shiftless, unmotivated leeches who are draining away your paycheck as you toil to make ends meet. And since they're all on welfare, of course the only consideration they have when voting--all they're capable of, intellectually--is keeping the free phones coming.
This of course assumes there is no such thing as middle- or upper-class black people, which is astounding for how delusional it is.
But it also explains the batsh*t crazy about how we have a black man in the White House--not only does that not compute, but clearly, to these people, his only priority in office is to make sure he can rip off whitey as much as possible so he can distribute the loot to all his "people."
This is the kind of narrative that people like Limbaugh pimps every single day.
Of course, this too also defies reality, in that the majority of the country's wealth over the past two decades has been shifted upward, and I can assure you not to black people.
But that's the diversion: fire up all the rubes about this so-called draining of their wealth down to the poor so they ignore the fact that they are being gang-raped economically by the top 10%, who are most assuredly white people. Not only that, but they (meaning: Wall St. and corporations) are the biggest welfare whores of all. What they take away makes that guy in section 8 housing look like a pin prick in the Atlantic Ocean.
For shits and giggles ask these people how much of their paycheck every year (meaning: taxes) goes to welfare people and how much of it goes to corporate subsidies.
Expect confused looks and all-around befuddlement when you do. Or: "Yew hate rich people, you commu-tard democRAT libby!"