As far as the Hillary thing, here's something most people don't remember. Heading into 2008 if you listened to FOX or Hannity or Rush they were all at DEFCON 1 about Hillary. In fact, Hannity would state every day that they were something like the "defeat Hillary" headquarters (I can't remember exactly what the term was).
At the time, Obama was sort of a long shot that nobody took seriously and here's another interesting thing: they were RIPPING on McCain as a complete bozo because at the time, he was still kind of maverick-y and moderate and... not Rudy Giuliani, whom Hannity had a man crush on. Romney was a 2004 candidate too--remember? They never talked about him. Of course, once McCain became the nominee he magically was the guy that Hannity and Rushbo couldn't support enough, and their erections grew even larger (up to the full 4") when Palin came along, as she was clearly the new future of the GOP--the anti-Hillary, if you will (boy did that turn out to be accurate in ways they didn't consider).
Anyway, GOP mission #1 was to Bring Down Hillary--f*** her and her hated husband Bill, why should that lesbian b*tch get into the White House and disgrace it after the honor had been restored to the office by President Cheney?
As it turned out obviously Obama came along and caught everybody off guard when he knocked Hillary out. Oh, they all quickly recovered and in lightning time made him the new anti-Christ (Reverend Wright, anyone?--the race-baiting literally started from the beginning) and since then we've had six+ years of non-stop anti-Obama invective across the entire echo chamber.
So I guess it makes sense that now that his days are numbered, they simply reset to back then and now Hillary is the one who will be the End of Us All, the great "liberal" threat that will finally take down our fine nation and if you need any more proof of that look no further than... Benghazi?