by The Dharma Bum » Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:26 am
The god-man archetype exemplified by Christianity, like all forms of mythology, is how thousands of years of unconscious human psychology manifests itself as a cohesive social doctrine. So I think religion serves many functions, but the main one is to provide resolution to the many contradictions of human existence. Kind of like an ancient form of mental therapy.
For example, people in earlier times could look at other humans with a higher social status and see they are no different than themselves, except they can wield social power. Religion tells them that certain humans have "divine right" to wield that social power and that they should know their place in the world.
So arbitrary social situations are resolved, that would otherwise seem random or chaotic. Now that this social structure is largely gone many humans have trouble dealing with the random and chaotic nature of reality and the alienating social system that exists.