by Professor » Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:45 am
He's a Manning. Ever watch clips of his dad, Archie?
There's one clip of Archie when he had a full-blown cast on his broken left arm in an Ole Miss game. Not a fracture - broken. And, he was still playing in the game. And, he was pretty much a shoe-in for playing in the NFL, so nothing to prove.
He falls back to pass and the pocket collapses. He decides to run up the middle. When he encounters a linebacker, does he slide? Does he go down easily? Nope. He hits the guy head on, stands him up, and keeps churning his feet. He keeps fighting until 3-4 opponent guys tackle him, all landing on top of him.
Then, when Archie played for the Saints, he was easily as good as any other QB in the league, but had nary a single other offensive player to help. He'd get sacked like 5 times per game. But, he went out every time and took his lumps.